Before requesting advice from an arborist, please review our Tree Care and Tree Health sections.

Also, just a reminder about LEAF's guarantee for your trees and shrubs:

LEAF guarantees that, with proper care, trees/shrubs will produce leaves by the first July 15th after planting

For trees/shrubs planted or delivered in the spring (April 1 - June 30), this means July 15th of the same year, and for trees/shrubs planted or delivered in the fall (September 1 - November 30), this means July 15th of the following year.

Replacement requests made after the July 15th deadline, or when proper care has not been provided, will not be considered. Animal, weather or other damage incurred after planting is not covered.

If you still have questions or concerns, please complete and submit the Request for Arborist Advice form below.

Please fill out the form if you:

  • Have concerns regarding the health or condition of your newly planted trees or shrubs
  • Would like advice from a LEAF arborist regarding any trees or shrubs previously planted by LEAF