Junction depaves, uncovers paradise on National Tree Day
(September 26, 2012) Today in celebration of National Tree Day, LEAF and partners undertook a “Depave Paradise” project on the southwest corner of Pacific Ave. and Dundas St. West in Toronto’s Junction neighbourhood. Four large honey locust trees were freed from encroaching paving stones that were causing damage to their trunks. The paving stones were salvaged by Green Gardeners, a local landscaping company, and replaced with soil and native strawberry plants.
“We hear from many Toronto residents who are concerned about the condition of our street trees,” says Jessica Piskorowski, Education and Stewardship Coordinator at LEAF. “Volunteers did the work today and the Junction BIA has committed to watering to ensure long term success.”
“We are thrilled to be part of this project and excited about the partnerships we are forging,” says by Kristina Skindelyte, Executive Director of the Junction BIA. “Trees make our urban streets beautiful and offer pedestrians shade on hot summer days. They attract more shoppers and more frequent shopping visits.”
The four honey locusts the volunteers worked on today are larger than most commercial street trees and therefore provide significant benefits. But street trees face many stresses: limited soil volumes for root growth; hard surfaces which prevent water and oxygen from reaching roots; over-pruning to accommodate overhead wires; physical damage from vehicles and vandalism; and heavy winter salt applications.
“These trees need our help,” says Councillor Sarah Doucette, Ward 13 – Parkdale-High Park. “It’s inspiring to see the community make this positive change.”
Additional support for this project came from FIDO-Evergreen, City of Toronto/Urban Forestry and No Frills. It is part of a province-wide Depave Paradise initiative led by Green Communities Canada. There are five similar projects happening in other Ontario cities this fall. For more visit www.yourleaf.org/junction-depave-paradise
LEAF (Local Enhancement & Appreciation of Forests) is an incorporated, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the protection and improvement of the urban forest. Since 1996 LEAF has engaged citizens in urban forest stewardship through planting, education and training. For more information visit www.yourleaf.org.