Heritage Tree Tour examines challenges faced by city trees


Heritage Tree Tour(May 24, 2011, Toronto, ON – For Immediate Release) Join LEAF - Local Enhancement & Appreciation of Forests  as we admire some of Toronto's most impressive heritage trees.  We'll visit some awe-inspiring specimens near the Royal Ontario Museum, Philosopher's Walk (on the main campus of the University of Toronto) and Queen's Park, and learn about the incredible biodiversity value they provide as they get older. 


Arborist Philip van Wassenaer will share the latest, cutting edge techniques used in the art and science of "Conservation Arboriculture", an approach that prioritizes the preservation of old trees while minimizing risk in the urban environment. Special guest Peter Simon, City of Toronto, will showcase new innovative technologies Toronto has recently implemented that are designed to help newly planted trees reach maturity and become remarkable giants themselves.


Some of the things we'll see...

  • an old oak with a cement filled base
  • a tree actually left with better living conditions following a large construction project
  • the biggest honey locust you'll ever see
  • an endangered tree
  • a heritage tree that's not much taller than you!


Date: Saturday May 28, 2011, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Location: Meet at southwest corner of Bloor St. and Avenue Road in Toronto (north of front entrance to the Royal Ontario Museum)

Tour Leader: Philip van Wassenaer with guest Peter Simon

Cost: $5 suggested donation at start of tour




