The TCHC Program

LEAF staff member mulching trees

Recognizing the benefits that trees bring to a neighbourhood, many TCHC communities have a desire for tree planting. We are honoured to have worked with 42 communities to plant over 430 new trees as part of this program.

At each site, we work with tenants and site staff to establish Tree Care Teams. The teams are made up of tenants whose stewardship ensure the trees thrive.

“I love the fact that everything is provided and also having someone check in on your tree is great... Tree planting is a great way to bring neighbors together in harmony " – Tree Care Team member

Each team receives specialized, hands-on training from LEAF about proper tree care along with resources to help them carry out their stewardship efforts with confidence. The main responsibilities of the teams include:

  • regular watering
  • keeping tree bases free from weeds
  • mulching the trees when needed

We work with the Tree Care Teams to host fun and educational community events that celebrate the trees and the people that help care for them. "Nature is a big part of our community and is valued by the residents who live here and I think LEAF builds on this by educating those who live here about the nature we are surrounded by and how best to protect it. " – Tree Care Team member

person standing next to newly planted trees

Program Partners

Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC) is Canada's largest social housing provider. TCHC is owned by the City of Toronto and provides homes for nearly 41,000 low- and moderate-income households in 106 of the city’s 158 neighbourhoods. Their 1,347 buildings represent a $9-billion public asset.

The City of Toronto's Urban Forestry Branch provides the critical services needed to protect, maintain and enhance the urban forest. With funding for this project provided in part through a Urban Forestry Grant, the City of Toronto is investing in tree planting and stewardship on private land to help grow the urban forest. Additional support provided includes the supply and installation of large caliper trees.

In-Kind Support

Thank you to the following companies for providing mulch throughout the years!

Cohen & Master Tree and Shrub Services

TS Arborist Services

Less Mess Canada

Supporting Partners

Toronto Community Housing, City of Toronto, Green Communities Canada, Living Cities Canada Fund