I had the chance to connect with Rema about her experience with LEAF and her decision to help grow the urban forest. I’m excited to share what she had to say!
How did you first become interested in the urban forest?
I’m a big fan of The Guardian Science Weekly podcast, and they recently did a two-part episode called “Can we Really Solve the Climate Crisis by Planting Trees?”. In short, the general consensus is that trees are the best carbon sequestering technology we have at a large scale, with the caveat that they must be native to that area and ecosystem. I am only one person and can’t solve climate change on my own, but I’d rather focus on what I do have control over, which is our new, small, once treeless backyard.
How did you find out about LEAF and how have you been involved?
One of the first things I did upon moving to Ajax from Toronto, was research what the city was doing about climate change, and how I could help. There I found LEAF and their fantastic, subsidized Backyard Tree Planting Program. I was so excited I signed up immediately and told everyone who would listen.
I was particularly interested in the full-service option, which includes a consultation with a certified arborist and planting by a professional from LEAF. We are planning on staying at this house for at least a decade, and I wanted to give any trees I planted the best possible chance to not only survive, but to thrive.
Please share an interesting story or memorable moment from your experience with LEAF.
Two of my children were home when it came time to plant, and I was delighted that they were able to experience how thrilling it was. The arborist made an excellent recommendation that I take a photo of them beside our Bur Oak every year to watch them grow together, which I really appreciated. We were really missing our old place in Toronto, which had an impressive amount of beautiful mature trees, and the addition of our LEAF trees and shrubs made it feel more like home. For this I am grateful.
What does the urban forest mean to you and what message would you like to share with others to encourage them to become involved?
As I write, COP26 (United Nations climate change conference) is taking place. At the opening of the World Leaders Summit, Barbadian Prime Minster Mia Mottley asked a heartbreaking question: “in the words of Caribbean music icon Eddy Grant, ‘Will they mourn us on the front line?’” My family comes from the islands of Jamaica and Ireland, which will suffer greatly from rising sea levels. My partner’s family comes from Guyana, which lies below sea level. Canada is a key contributor to climate change and we share a responsibility to try to mitigate its effects as much as possible for those “on the front line.”
Planting trees is just one way to help, and the LEAF Backyard Tree Planting Program is an excellent way to get started. Whether you’re an experienced or novice gardener, you will not be disappointed in the expertise and quality of the trees that LEAF provides.
Are you interested in helping grow the urban forest by adding native trees and shrubs to your property? By participating in the LEAF Backyard Tree Planting Program you receive personalized help from a certified arborist to pick the right tree for you and your property all at a subsidized rate! For more information on tree planting, visit our Homeowners page.
Planting in Ajax? Learn more about the additional rebate offered in partnership with the Town of Ajax!
Meandra is the Marketing and Communications Coordinator at LEAF.
LEAF offers a subsidized Backyard Tree Planting Program for private property. The program is supported by the City of Toronto, the Regional Municipality of York, the City of Markham, the Town of Newmarket, the Regional Municipality of Durham, the Town of Ajax, the City of Oshawa, the City of Pickering, the Township of Scugog, the Town of Whitby, Ontario Power Generation, Ontario Trillium Foundation and GrandTrees/Canadian Trees For Life.