Backyard Tree Planting Program

Buzzworthy Blooms: Four Early Spring Blooming Species Vital for Native Bees

male cellophane bee on red maple flowers
When considering the essentials for supporting bees, our minds often turn to vibrant pollinator gardens. However, it might surprise you to learn that bees depend on native trees as well. While trees help humans by offering shade, privacy, and aesthetic appeal, trees also play a crucial role in providing much-needed spring food and shelter for these vital pollinators.

What You need to Know About Oak Wilt, The Invasive Fungus Threatening Our Oak Trees

Beneath the cracked bark, the fruity-smelling, grey, white or black fungal mats can be found
Oak trees fulfill significant ecological and cultural roles in our urban forest but in 2023, our mighty oaks came face-to-face with a new threat: oak wilt. Check out our top questions and answers about oak wilt and learn what you can do to help prevent the spread of this invasive pest.

Fluttering Delights: Four Native Shrubs To Turn Your Garden into a Butterfly Haven!

adult Mourning Cloak butterfly
Enter a world of vibrant wings gracefully dancing amid the blossoms, turning your garden into a whimsical paradise where butterflies paint the air with their enchanting colours. If this imagery speaks to you, LEAF is here to help with your garden metamorphosis! Read on to find out more about our four favourite native shrubs that beckon to butterflies and discover the delights they can add to your yard!

Enhancing Biodiversity With Soft Landings

native flower garden with a honey locust tree in the background
Do you dream of transforming your backyard into a biodiverse paradise where wildlife flourishes? If you have native trees and shrubs, or are considering planting some, you can enhance their ability to offer habitat by creating soft landings—diverse native plantings beneath the native trees. Read on to discover how soft landings can beautify your space while supporting a vibrant ecosystem right in your own backyard!