
The White Pine – Ontario’s Provincial Tree and Much More!

White pine needles
The white pine (Pinus strobus), also known as the eastern white pine or northern white pine, is considered the tallest eastern conifer and one of the most valuable trees in northeastern North America. With its iconic, windswept form, unique ecological significance and highly desirable wood, it’s no surprise the white pine holds outstanding value.

Allergies got you down?

At a regular checkup a couple of weeks ago, my doctor asked how my allergies were doing. “August 15,” he said, “mark it off in your calendar – you’re going to have a bad day.” It’s only recently I’ve started to experience the symptoms of my allergies – puffy eyes, itchy skin and uncooperative sinuses. Maybe you stepped outside last April to breathe in the fresh, blossom-scented air only to be instantly itchy in the eyes and a stuffed up beyond belief? Or was a camping trip in June slightly annoying because your tent was pitched next to a birch tree? Each spring brings signs both good and bad, and the summer months don’t get much better. But at least there’s comfort in knowing that we’re not alone.