Vote for LEAF as Toronto’s Best Enviro Group

This year we’ve been selected to be in the running for Toronto’s Best Enviro Group in NOW Magazine’s Best Of. And if you’re familiar with LEAF, you know we can be pretty stubborn when it comes to certain things. We’re no good at leaving trees to fend for themselves. We spend time making sure they have what they need – space, mulch, water… And we have a terrible habit of leaving behind habitat wherever we go. This photo highlights the transformation that can occur when we bring together the right tools, the right people and the expertise.


Click here to vote for LEAF as Toronto's Best Enviro Group!


LEAF Learning Garden


Here you can see how we converted a strip of dense clay subsoil into a stunning garden, diverse learning space, and crucial pollinator habitat. It started with the opening of the Wychwood Barns. As one of the first confirmed tenants of the building - and with the idea that you should always start in your own backyard - we asked the city if we could have a piece of land to work with. Through soil remediation, planting, weeding and general stewardship, we turned it into a native garden oasis.


Over the past 16 years, we’ve trained hundreds of volunteers to plant and care for native trees, shrubs and perennials across the city. You’ll find us in parks, along commercial streets, in backyards and our Urban Forest Demonstration Gardens. And that is just scratching the surface –so please vote for us as Toronto’s Best Enviro Group - and tell your friends and families and neighbours to vote too. The polls are open until September 26. Together let’s keep our city green and beautiful!

