For the sake of baby animals

“Cutest ever!” That is the response I get when I send “Top Ten Ugliest Animal Babies” to my fiancé. As you scroll down through the tiny blind panda cubs and the curious walrus calf already brandishing a moustache, how could you think anything else? I’m on the Earth Rangers website to see what the organization has planned for the month, but I would be lying if I told you I was less than a little distracted by the photos.


Did you know that robin chicks leave the nest when they are 13 days old and become fully independent at four weeks? Or that an owlet will take her first flight in as little as 50 days? The website is designed to keep distracted youth (and evidently busy adults) engaged – and with all the great information and fun facts, they’ve done a fantastic job.


Panda cubs


Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. On their site kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity. They are also part of Ontario Power Generation’s biodiversity program, which has partnered with the Bruce Trail Conservancy, Ontario Nature, Rouge Park, Toronto Wildlife Centre and LEAF to support our collective programs and events. The goal is to make it easy and fun for you and your family to understand and protect our environment through hands-on, educational programs and events.


Earth Rangers


Last weekend OPG and Earth Rangers brought back the wild in Bruce County by sharing information about the challenges facing Canadian biodiversity and what we can do to help protect local endangered species. And in the coming weeks they will continue to offer these presentations across the province.


Baby Walrus calf


Visiting the website is a fun and it contains easy ways to teach your kids (or nieces and nephews) about important wildlife conservation issues. There are a lot of interactive contests and diverse content to keep them (and you) out of trouble!


Save the Spotted Turtle


LEAF is helping to create wildlife habitat in urban areas through our backyard tree planting program by focusing on native trees, shrubs and habitat kits. In my own backyard, Natalie and I have built garden beds for our vegetables and planted native shrubs and perennials to attract pollinators. And now that we know a little more about the young birds, squirrels, rabbits and raccoons that live in the city, we’re happy to share our backyard (and some of our veggies) with them, especially knowing just how cute the ones back in the nest are.  




How are you helping to bring back the wild in your community?


LEAF programs are supported by Ontario Power Generation's Biodiversity Program.