Tree people chatted with old friends and met new ones. Beverages were donated by Mill Street Brewery and Lifford Wine and Spirits and ChocoSol joined us to serve up delicious tacos!
Former staff members Matthew and Sarah were there. We were also happy to have representatives of some of our funding partners – Ontario Power Generation, York Region, City of Markham, City of Toronto, Ontario Trillium Foundation, Trees for Life, and Toronto Hydro.
Chris, president of LEAF’s Board of Directors, offered a toast to the LEAF community. The work we do really is a joint effort – funders, volunteers, staff and supporters are all crucial! Thanks especially to the volunteers who helped make the BFF Social happen – from signing people in, to selling auction tickets, to running activities, we couldn’t do it without you!
Our summer intern, Tamar, joined us too!
The chance and silent auctions raised funds to help support LEAF’s programs. The auction featured over 20 fantastic items generously donated by artists and businesses. A special thanks to the auction donors: Anita Dillon, City of Toronto, Green Roofs for Healthy Cities, Harvest Kitchen, Karmatree, Lorraine Johnson, Mark Calzavara, Northern Skies Outpost Cabin, Orchard People, Pizzeria Libretto, PLANT Architect, Rusted Maple, Storyboard Furniture, Stubbe Chocolates, Sweet Pete’s Bicycle Shop, Torie Gervais, Toronto International Film Festival, Toronto Maple Leafs, Trafalgar Artisanal Distillery and VIA Rail Canada.
Confirming a winning ticket for the chance auction.
The photo booth offered an opportunity to ham it up a bit.
Here I am with Leigh, our Volunteer of the Year! Leigh has contributed well over 100 volunteer hours to LEAF this year -- as a steward at the Bathurst Demonstration Garden, talking trees at community events, helping in the office and on many tree tours as a volunteer, a participant and sometimes even as a leader. She’s even started her own neighbourhood tree group, MoreTrees29.
Of course, LEAF’s mascot, Barkley, couldn’t stay away from such a great party.
“Shoot the EAB” was a popular activity with kids of all ages. Who wouldn’t want to take down an Emerald Ash Borer? Volunteers Sammy and Tiffany designed a great lineup of activities!
Thanks to everyone who came out and made the BFF Social so much fun! And special thanks to our photographers, Andrei (in the mustache here) and Brenna – check out more photos from the event in our Facebook album!
Robyn Stewart is LEAF's Education & Outreach Coordinator and coordinated the BFF Social.