Sintra Ramnarase - Urban Forest Champion

For Sintra, beautifying her yard is a family affair. Her daughter pointed her towards the LEAF service which resulted in her having a paper birch and American elm spring planted by LEAF in spring 2019. Plus, her grandchildren helped out with the fall planting of shrubs. Her Markham property now has a pagoda dogwood shrub, common snowberries and red osier dogwoods. Our Program Manager, Kim De Lallo, interviews Sintra about her enthusiasm for sharing the beauty of nature across the generations.


How did you first become interested in the urban forest?

I wanted to add a couple of trees to my backyard but was at a loss as to what type of trees; however, I did not want to go to a landscape company. I had mentioned this to my daughter and...

How did you find out about LEAF and how have you been involved?

...Guess what! My daughter mentioned the LEAF program. I got in touch and Brenna Anstett visited me. She took the time and explained what type of trees and shrubs would work with the type of soil we had. I was hooked! 2019 we got two trees and several shrubs.

Please share an interesting story or memorable moment from your experience with LEAF.

When the fall shrubs arrived to be planted, I decided to make it a family event. We spent a Sunday just planting and having fun outdoors! The grandchildren loved it!

What does the urban forest mean to you and what message would you like to share with others to encourage them to become involved?

It means that we can all make our planet a little greener, one tree at a time! My grand kids should be able to breathe a little better if we do a little more!


Kim De Lallo is the Program Manager at LEAF.

LEAF offers a subsidized Backyard Tree Planting Program for private property. The program is supported by The City of Toronto, The Regional Municipality of York, The City of Markham, The Town of Newmarket, The Town of Ajax, Ontario Power Generation and Toronto Hydro. For details on how you can participate, visit

