Jon Curtis's posts

Select Low Canopy Toronto Neighbourhoods Can Plant For Free This Spring!

LEAF staff watering a newly planted tree
Have you heard? If you reside in one of Toronto’s Neighbourhood Improvement Areas (NIAs), you might be eligible to have trees and shrubs planted on your property for FREE! LEAF is here to help make tree planting easier than ever this spring. Read on to learn more about what this exciting new initiative offers and how you and your community can take advantage of it!

Girdling Roots: The Silent Tree Killer

Tree showing signs of a decline in health because of girdling roots.
A healthy root system is essential for sustaining a healthy tree. Tree roots provide many important life-supporting benefits to trees such as absorbing much-needed water and minerals from the soil for food, storing essential nutrients and anchoring the tree to the ground. But did you know that in some scenarios, tree roots can also be a detriment to tree health? Continue reading to learn about girdling roots and how you can prevent them from harming your favourite tree!

Mythbusters: Top 3 Myths of Planting in the Fall

LEAF staff member planting a tree in the late fall with snow on the ground
Fall is here, and you have left your planting work a bit too late this year. Will you be able to dig into the soil to plant that new tree, and more importantly, will it survive? While colder temperatures may create some hesitation around fall planting, it is actually a great time to add new greenery to your yard. Read on as we tackle the top three myths associated with planting in the fall.