Tree Care

Humanely Protecting Young Trees and Shrubs from Animal Damage

Urban forests and urban wildlife share an important year-round, symbiotic relationship. Trees and shrubs offer shelter and food to wildlife and, in return, wildlife and pollinators help these woody plants reproduce. Though feeding on woody plants is normal in a forest setting where there is an abundance of trees and shrubs, single trees and shrubs in yards may require protection when young and vulnerable. Using safe and humane methods of protection will minimize damage while also respecting the wildlife that share our yards; it’s a Backyard Biodiversity win-win!

Winter Tree Care – How to Choose a Qualified Tree Care Company

"Winter Tree Care" written over a pruner slicing through a snowy branch
Winter is a great time to prune mature trees because the cooler weather makes them less vulnerable to diseases and infections. Improper pruning can result in serious, long-term damage to your tree and endanger wildlife inhabitants so selecting a qualified and responsible tree care company is essential for ensuring both are well-protected. When choosing a company, you’ll need to be prepared to research, ask questions and identify misleading tactics.